Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm Pooped!

I left home at 9:35 a.m. for my Physical Therapy appointment and got back home at 11:45 a.m.! Boy, they really work you! My foot is super sore but I feel like I got a lot accomplished.

My therapist's name is Beth and she's super sweet. Beth had me do several different different exercises. These included exercises on the stationary bike, a mini trampoline, a body gym, a heel wedge, and my least favorite, the balance trainer. The balance trainer is a round board you stand on and move your ankle without rotating the actual board, or your hips. Of course, as with all things involving balance, this was challenging for me.

Beth kept going...Priya, don't move your hips. I looked at her and went, Beth, I am Indian...I can't do anything without moving my hips! The best part of the PT session is the 5 minute foot massage at the end. I felt bad for Beth though. My foot isn't a pretty sight right now. Not to totally gross you out, but I have blisters and a couple of open wounds from my boot rubbing on my ankle. Told you...totally gross. Hopefully, this will disappear soon.

Anyway, when I came back home, my body just wanted to crash...but not my mind. I am ready to take on the day! I am going to hang out with my friends Jenny, Joseph and their daughter Isabel. They will be here soon and I can't wait!


  1. I had so much fun catching up with you on your blog. It made me miss you and your sweet family so much! Love what the Lord has done in your life.
    Many hugs and say hi to your mom for me, please!
    Love ya!

  2. Hi Ms. Becky! Thank you. :) I love reading your blog as well. We miss you guys too! I will definitely say hi to my mom for you. Please give Mr. John and the kids our love! We love you!
