Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm just sayin'

So, one of my loving family members (you know who you are) tells me today: "You and sarcasm are like intimate partners."

All I have to say to to you is this. Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sleeping in

A funny thing happened this morning. I was in a deep sleep, probably dreaming of swimming in the beach. All of a sudden, I hear a loud knock on our door. I jolted out of bed and my inital reaction was to run and open the door.

Then, I came to my senses and realized...oh yeah, I can't walk on one leg. I looked at the clock and guess what time it was people? 8:45 a.m.....on a Saturday morning. My mind was still foggy from being like, dude, you're not on a're in Texas. My mom answered the door.

It was the next door neighbor and guess what he wanted? Come on, guess. He wanted an egg. Uh huh, an EGG. My mom, being as sweet as she is, gave him an egg. In fact, she told him he can have the whole carton. She then proceeded to tell me what a wonderful guy he was.

I said: "Mom, I just have one question for you. Does he have kids?" Her answer...he has two little ones.

Remember yesterday when I posted that our friends who have children don't get to sleep in much on Saturday mornings? Well, case in point.

The Lord knows how badly I want kids. Until He blesses us with children, I am going to enjoy sleeping in on Saturday mornings....and dreaming of swimming in the beach. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday night blues

Warning: If mushy stuff makes you want to hurl, you may want to steer clear of this post.

I love Friday evenings. Whether my husband & I realize it or not, Friday evenings have become our unofficial date nights. It is our time to unwind and reconnect after a long week, just the two of us. We usually go out to dinner. Many times, we order take out, get a movie from Redbox, and snuggle up on the couch. (By the way, how awesome is Redbox?!)

This may not sound earth shatteringly exciting to some people but I get so excited just thinking about it. Hey, what can I say? I'm easy to please. (Someone tell my husband how lucky he is that I'm so low maintenance).

Another reason I love Friday is because we get to sleep in and wake up late on Saturday. Several of our friends who have kids tell us over and over again to enjoy this because once we are blessed with kids, there is no such thing as sleeping in for oh, 18 years.

So, I've learned to savor this time with my husband even more. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Friday night date night.

I am loving being here with my parents and brother but I deeply miss my husband. It's like a part of me is missing.

Honey, I love you so much. I miss you each day we're apart. I miss you even more today.

Lord, thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful man. Please watch over him and protect him. May your presence always be with him. While we're apart, knit our hearts closer together and make us one. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our trip to San Antonio

To have a change of pace, I decided to go to my parents' home in San Antonio for a few days. My brother picked my mom and me up & off we went.

One great thing about being in my parents' home is that I don't have to deal with stairs. My husband and I live on the second floor of an apartment complex. Each time we had to go out, it would be this huge production.

Let me back up. Normally, it takes me a while to get ready. Without the use of one leg temporarily, that time has doubled. On top of that, going up and down the stairs takes longer. You should see me going up the stairs. I scooch up on my tush and pray that none of my neighbors see me.

Anyways, you should have been with us on our drive to San Antonio. Usually, we listen to the radio but we decided to play a game of "guess who" instead. One person imitates a family member while the others try to figure out who they're imitating.

For example, my family makes fun of me for apologizing too much. I say sorry for things I do, things I don't do. I apologize for the neighbor, the neighbor's dog, his cat and his mama. (Yes, I should probably see a therapist about that). So, my family loves to imitate me.

On an on we went for a whole 3 1/2 hours!! Our extended family is so huge that we probably only covered 1/3 of them. I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face. I realize that this is an incredibly messed up form of entertainment but man, was it fun!

I always love coming to my parents' home. I am so grateful that they live only a few hours away. The only bad part this time is that my husband can't be with us. I miss him so much my heart hurts. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Secret Pact

I am now convinced that my mom and my husband have an unspoken, secret pact. It is as if they got together and decided that in the face of me, united they stand.

On more than one occasion, I have had to remind my mom: Hey mom, remember, you gave birth to me in a village, on November 15, 1980? Remember the incredible pain you felt while giving birth but the moment you laid eyes on me, you knew you had meaning to life, a reason for living?

She looks back at me going, "Lady, I have NO idea what you are talking about."

Furthermore, she looks at my husband going: "You can do no wrong in my eyes and if you & what's her name ever get into a fight, I promise I will always take your side."

This love fest is sickening I tell you.

Can someone please explain to me how this happened?

Now I know where I get it from

Do you ever talk to yourself or have conversations with yourself? I don't mean rehearsing the honey do list in your head.

I mean, like, complete conversations, with every possible scenario imaginable. Like "Priya, walk carefully with your can do it...and then's ok Priya, get up, try again. Watch for the ant on the floor next time."

You know, conversations like that. Well, I finally figured out where I get that from. I kid you not, my mom just had a complete conversation OUT LOUD all by herself as she was cooking.

If she keeps this up, I will never run out of things to write about. Hey, look at the bright least my conversations stay in my head.

Mom, I love you. You're the best.

Monday, August 24, 2009

An open letter to my family & friends

My dear family & friends:

I hope that this letter finds you in good health. Thank you for your love & support during this difficult time. I love you all so very much. Really, I do.

I just want you to know that if material happens to present itself to me, please don't be shocked if I write about it. What I'm really trying to say is, you are guilty by association. If you live with me, see me or talk to me often, chances are you will get written about.

The one assurance I will give you is this. I will not embarrass you any more than I already embarrass myself.

I appreciate your understanding.



p.s. Honey, I know that when we made our vows to each other, this wasn't specified. However, I just assumed you knew that the unexpected can always happen in marriage.

p.s.s. Mom and Dad, please know that this is in no way pay back for all those years in boarding school.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another perk of having a broken ankle

I have a wonderful little brother, Prakash. Well, he's not so little anymore...he's 25. To me, he will always be my baby brother. He is every parent's dream. He is every sister's dream. He's what my parents call "the easy kid".

Prakash has wanted a Sony Vaio laptop for some time but he couldn't justify spending that much money.

Well little brother, I've got some good news for you. Now, you can live vicariously through me because my husband just got me one! My very own beautiful dove white Sony Vaio laptop. Here, take a peek.

If you want your own, I know a perfect little way you can get one (of course, I don't recommend it)...and it won't cost you a penny. ;)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Don't tell my mom.

Having a broken ankle does come with it's advantages.

Your mom comes to help you recover; don't tell her but I LOVE being spoiled. Your husband gets you more flowers than usual.

Oh, and one more thing. You get the final say on movies and dinner. Something out of the ordinary happened today. For 10 whole minutes, there was complete silence in our home. I mean complete S.I.L.E.N.C.E.

Why? Because everyone was too busy having RUDY'S Bar-B-Q for dinner, that's why. I'm not kidding. It was so good.

Man, I better milk the next 3 weeks for all it's worth. Shameless, I know.

What happens when you break your ankle?

Why, you start a blog!

About 3 weeks ago, I fell and fractured my left ankle. Since then, I've been unable to walk on that leg. Translation: LOTS of free time in a La-Z-Boy, with your computer.

Last year, my husband broke his clavicle playing basketball. Now see, if you're going to break a bone, you better have a cool story like that to tell...but I don't. Here are some stories I conjured up in my head to tell folks when they asked:

1.) I was wearing 5 inch stilettos and was on a hot date with my husband when I tripped.
2.) I broke my ankle ice skating at the Galleria.
3.) I broke my leg taking Salsa dancing lessons.
4.) I took my dog walking; he saw a squirrel and darted after it, when I lost control and fell.

I have other scenarios mulling in my head but I will spare you. The problem with the first 3 stories is, for those of you who truly know me, these won’t fly. Scenario #4 is impossible because I don’t even have a dog but so wish I did (more on that another day).

When I told my friend Mica that I fractured my ankle, the first thing she said was, “your clumsiness finally caught up with you!”. Many of my friends were not totally shocked…in fact, some of them said, “I’m surprised this is your first broken bone”.

Ok, so here's the true version. my husband and I were going out for dinner on a Friday night. Our friends Jared & Carrie had been telling us about this wonderful Persian restaurant so we thought we’d give it a shot. Seeing that this place was packed, my husband dropped me off in front so I can get a table, while he looked for parking. As I was walking in, wearing my BORN shoes (yes, I said BORN), my right leg slightly slipped out of the shoe. To catch myself from falling, I put my left leg in front of it (note to self: if you’re going to fall, don’t try to prevent it). My left leg turned inward and I felt a few “cracks”.

So, here I was, in front of this restaurant, on the floor, thinking Lord, right now would be a great time for you to come back. My husband saw me and said “you probably just sprained your ankle”…oh my sweet, sweet husband. I gave him this look like “I KNOW what a sprain is and trust me, this is NOT a sprain”. He helped me in the car and took me to the ER, bless his heart, I love him so much.

The nurse at the ER took one look at my ankle and said, “honey, I don’t need an x-ray to tell you that is broken”. They put a splint on me and sent me home.

The following day, I received this text msg. from my friend Grace: “I am wearing Born shoes. I should watch where I walk”. Haha Grace. Very funny.

p.s. If anyone wears an 8 ½ size shoe and would like a “barely worn” pair of Born shoes, please let me know.