Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Selah's Birth Story

My due date was May 19, 2012.  I went to the doctor the first week of May and there was nothing happening...meaning my cervix was completely closed.  My OBGYN (whom I just love) said that if nothing happens by my next appointment on May 14th, we'll have to talk about inducing.

Honestly, I didn't want to induce.  I really, really wanted a natural birth.  In fact, I wanted to go to have a water birth with an OBGYN, Midwife and Doula present but that wasn't possible where I lived.  The birth didn't go the way I planned but that's ok.  The important thing is that Selah was born completely healthy and I did just fine by God's grace.

On May 13th, we celebrated Mother's day with my mom, aunt and our families.  We went out for Asian food and shortly after, my Husband, Mom, Dad and I went to take a tour of the hospital.  Right before we left, a nurse told me that there was a woman who left the hospital after a tour and came right back that night because her water broke.  After the tour, we took my mom shopping.  I came home exhausted and unable to sleep.  We rented the movie "Warhorse" and watched it.  I was on my exercise ball for the last 45 mins. of the movie.  Finally, I went to bed at 2:00 a.m. 

At 3:15 a.m., my water broke in the middle of my sleep.  I remember it so well.  I felt like I had to rush to the bathroom but couldn't control anything.  I woke my husband up and told him I thought my water broke and he kept asking me if I was sure.  Well, considering this is my first time giving birth, I wasn't 100% sure but sure enough.  My OBGYN asked me to call a number to get a hold of him after hours.  He got back to me within 5 mins. of calling him and asked me what was going on.  I told him I 'think' my water broke and I hope I didn't wake him up in vain.  He asked me to make my way to the hospital and he would meet me there.   I took a shower and woke my parents up.  It was like my dad was just waiting for me to wake him up.  I just went into their room and he immediately sprung up and asked if my water broke.  Gotta love parents!

We got to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. and a nurse checked my cervix.  Ok, I wasn't prepared for the sheer pain of the exam.  Even though my water broke, I had almost no contractions.  I had what felt like mild cramps but nothing severe.  My OBGYN came in and checked me and said he had to induce me.  I think I cried at that point.  I was doing great for a couple hours after inducing, feeling exhausted but strong at the same time.  My husband, brother, dad, mom, aunt and twin cousins were in the room with me.  It was so comforting seeing all their faces and knowing that they were there for me.  I thank God for such an incredible family!

After a couple hours, my cervix was still shut and my doctor said they had to bump up the pitocin to get the contractions going.  I literally went from 0 too 100 in a couple minutes. I was completely unprepared for how strong the contractions were.  I felt like punching my hand through the wall.  I tried to get up and walk around but was bowled over by the contractions.  I was resisting the epidural until a nurse asked me to take it.  My heart rate was through the roof and my OB told me that if I hadn't agreed to take the epidural, he would've tried to convince me.  I needed to relax.  I prayed every step of the way.  My husband was so sweet and had my favorite worship music playing in the room.  I was so tense but right after I got the epidural, I was able to relax.  So much so that I started sleeping through my contractions.  It was wonderful!  My blood pressure went way down though and they gave me a mask so I could breathe.

After what felt like hours, I had this sudden urge to push.  It was so strong that I couldn't stop it.  My OB checked me and said that I was at 10 centimeters and it was time to push!  What a relief!  My husband held one leg and my mom and aunt took turns holding my other one.  I pushed for almost 2 hours and for the longest time, I could hear my 2 wonderful nurses telling me that they can see the baby's head and she has a ton of hair!  I was so tired I started dozing off in between pushes.  My doctor looked at me and said, "it's time to toughen up".  That's all I needed to hear.  I gave one really hard push with all my might, and mostly with the Lord's strength and there she was.  Selah Grace, born at 6:31 p.m. on May 14, 2012, weighing 5 pounds, 15 oz., measuring 20.5 inches.  Pure perfection.  And boy did she cry!  LOUD!  I know it was good for her to cry but I was so sad when she did.  My heart just went out to her.

As difficult as labor was for me, I am sure it was infinitely more hard on her.  Here she was, in a warm, cozy environment for over 9 months, and all of a sudden, she comes out into this world, not knowing what's going on.  They took her and lightly cleaned her before they put her on me.  The SECOND they put her on me, she stopped crying and went to sleep.  Oh precious one.  My heart just melted.  I have never felt so hard in love so fast.  It was an unexplainable feeling.  Sudden urge of emotions that were so intense.  I wondered at that moment if it was possible to die from feeling so much love.  The nurse took Selah away to give her a bath. They had to wash her hair 3 times because she had such a head full of thick, luscious hair.  I couldn't stop crying....for at least 5 minutes.  I was so glad birth was over and that I was holding my baby in my arms.  I dreamed of this moment for 9 months.  She is all we dreamed of and so much more!  We love you sweet Selah.



  1. So blessed to read this precious post!!!!Loved the pictures! I know you are a fabulous mom! Hugs and kisses to Selah!

    1. Aww...thanks Ms. Becky! I didn't even know that anyone read my blog anymore...hehe. Glad to know you do. ;). Love you!
