Wednesday, September 30, 2009


First of all, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. This week has been a bit challenging, both physically and emotionally. However, the Lord never ceases to amaze me.

I am so happy to tell you that I'm finally out of my boot and onto my brace. I can start wearing my tennis shoes again! I also started physical therapy yesterday...yay! The exercises that the PT gave me really work wonders. The only issue is that sometimes, if I overdo it, my foot swells up. Such was the case today. I had a wonderful day yesterday and got quite a bit done. I thought, if everything continues to go so smooth, I will be up and doing everything in no time.

Today, I planned on cooking some Indian food for my husband. I know that he has been missing home cooked Indian food all week, although he's too sweet to say anything. I woke up this morning and my foot was swollen and sore. I decided against cooking today but I was quite sad about it. I was looking forward to surprising my husband.

This is where the Lord comes in! Our friends Jenny and Joseph called, asking if they can come over to hang out. They have such a cute little daughter, Isabel. I LOVE seeing them and was quite excited to enjoy their company. Well, they came bearing gifts....lots of gifts. As in home cooked Indian food! Jenny just walked in and started filling my fridge. I was trying hard to hold back the tears. I'm amazed by God's love for us. He really does know the desires of our hearts, even when we don't ask Him.

They brought Chicken Biryani, Eggplant Curry, Chicken Fry, Spinach Poriyal, Sambar and Vijay's favorite,! Jenny must have spent the entire day cooking! I am so grateful for such great friends. I'm grateful for all our friends...our friends from church, our friends from school, etc. Furthermore, I'm just humbled by God's love and His grace.

Joseph and Jenny, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for your friendship and thank you for the comfort food. We are blessed to have you in our lives. We love you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Free Chick-fil-A!

We've been seeing these ads for our local Chick-fil-A. They are giving away free chicken sandwiches today between 5-6 p.m. How awesome is that??!

So, we decided to go. We were in line at the drive-thru for about 15 minutes. There were so many people in line that they had 2 cops directing traffic! We made it through the drive-thru at 6:02 p.m. and got our sandwiches. We literally felt like we won a contest or something...haha!

On the way back to our apartment, we met our downstairs neighbors for the first time. They are this really cute newlywed couple. We chatted and decided we'd get together for dinner soon. The whole time we were talking, I was, I hope we don't make too much noise upstairs! Between our surround sound system, my crutches and moving around furniture, I hope that we haven't made them wish they lived elsewhere!

Tendonitis go away!

My sweet husband has been having issues with his right wrist lately.

I think it resulted from him playing basketball too aggressively. Last year, he broke his collarbone playing basketball. Now, he has been saying that his wrist hurts. Poor guy. Today, he went to an orthopedist and the doc diagnosed him with tendonitis. He is wearing a splint in his hand now. We are praying and believing that God will completely heal him.

You should see the both of us when we go out. Between my monstrous boot and my husband's splint, I bet we have people scratching their heads. It's quite a funny sight really. Try explaining this to strangers...and convincing them that our injuries are totally unrelated!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Swollen ankle

I temporarily have a cankle! Right now, both my ankles (and feet) look so different. My left ankle is considerably bigger than my right one. It's very odd looking I tell ya. I would post a picture but I want you to hold onto the dinner you just had. Be grateful and just consider yourselves spared.

I've exercised my ankle, put ice on it, and kept it elevated but it still looks the same. I'm not going to lose hope though. I'm praying that it goes back to it's original shape and size.

Which gets me to thinking...I wonder if I can fit into my pointy red heels..hmm. (Just kidding, Mom!)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Life Lessons

A week from today, I should be off my boot and onto a brace. I cannot tell you how excited I am! A week ago, I honestly didn't know if I can get off my crutches. I just kept praying, asking God to give me strength for each new day. You know what? He did give me strength and I can do things this week that I couldn't do last week. I can do today what I couldn't yesterday.

I have been reading the book of Joshua and I kept telling myself that the same God who parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River is the same God whom I serve. If He can do that, surely He can heal my ankle. All He requires is that I trust Him, have faith and start acting on what His word says.

A few weeks ago, I was reading about and listening to Joni Eareckson Tada. In 1967, Joni had a terrible diving accident which left her permanently paralyzed, unable to use her hands and legs. However, she didn't let that stop her from living her life the way that God intended for her. She persevered, despite the difficult challenges she faced. Now, she has written more than 30 books and founded Joni and Friends, a ministry which helps families with disabilities. How inspirational!

When I read about people like Joni, I realize that the things I face are n-o-t-h-i-n-g compared to all that she has gone through. I may lose sight of this now and then but it's always good to keep things in perspective.

Right now, my ankle and foot are still weak because they have not gotten much use. They feel lifeless. However, even though it feels weird to walk and hurts to walk, I have to keep pressing through. The more I walk, the stronger my ankle and foot will become. Isn't that exactly how our walk with the Lord is? This is a lesson I am having to learn and re-learn in life. I am so glad that God is patient with me. Despite all my shortcomings, He loves me enough to never give up on me.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Friday!

Thanks to my cousin Sharmila for sending me this. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Costco..enough said.

If you know me at all, you know that I have an incredibly unhealthy fascination with Costco. It's a love affair that began a few years ago and it all started with Christmas wrapping paper.

Growing up, we spent our Christmases with my aunt, uncle and our adorable twin cousins. Through the years, my aunt and uncle always had the most gorgeously wrapped presents. They were so beautiful that I was afraid to touch them..literally. Believe you me, that was hard because I was the kid who would try to take a sneak peak at all the goodies under the tree. At one point, I became more enamored with the wrapping paper than the gift itself. Then, I discovered their secret. Each year, they bought their wrapping paper from Costco!

Ever since then, I've been an avid fan of Costco. To this day, come rain or shine, if you ask me to go to Costco, I will be ready in 5 minutes flat (a feat you won't see too often). Me in Costco is like a kid at FAO Schwarz. In fact, before I met my husband, my list of requirements for a partner went something like this. Must love me. Must love my family. Must love Costco.

In these past 6 weeks, there are lots of things I've missed doing, things I've taken for granted. One of those things are my bi-weekly Costco trips. So, on Monday, after my doctor's appointment, my husband asked me what I'd like to do. Bursting at the seams, I said...honey, can you please take me to Costco? He said: really? I said: REALLY! So, off we went. When I got in, I was so happy to flash my Costco executive member card at the door, smile at the employees in their red and blue Costco vests and most of all, gaze at their CHRISTMAS items! They had their Christmas items people! Unfortunately, I didn't see this year's wrapping paper, but I can't wait!

On more than one occasion, my husband has told me that I need to work in Costco's corporate office. Considering it's in Issaquah, WA, that's out of the question. Mr. Sinegal (that's Costco's CEO), in the 1 in a 100 million chance you're reading this and have a telecommuting position available, know that you can count on me to faithfully carry out the job requirements. Sir, I have lost count of how many folks became Costco members after I (Priya), introduced them to your wonderful establishment. Furthermore Mr. Sinegal, I have lured many patrons away from your competitor, Sam's. Now you tell me, how many employees of yours can say that?

In any event, I think it's safe to say....I love Costco.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My new found inspiration

We just got back from our Tuesday night Bible study, which is held at our friends Mike and Geraldine's place. They are our wonderful British friends and we have loads of fun together.

We haven't met the entire summer and I sure have missed everyone. One of our friends just had a baby girl and we got to meet her for the first time today. She is 2 weeks old and she's darling! Absolutely perfect! She's this teensyweensy and it was so great to hold her, until she started crying of course.

When the night ended, Geraldine reminded me that I need to get better soon so we can go to the Indian grocery store and start cooking together. Well Geraldine, that is all the inspiration I needed! You will be proud to know that I just walked up a whole flight of stairs (22 to be exact) to get home. This is the first my six weeks!

Could you do me a favor? Can you please remind me about this each time you see me? Please? Better yet, feel free to call, e-mail or text me....daily.

Doctor's appointment

Yesterday, I had my 6 week follow up appointment with my orthopedist. We got there at 3:40 pm and left at 5:30 pm...not too bad. I met a few cool people, in the elevator and in the waiting room. You must understand that I have missed being around people. My day consists of reading, spending dangerous amounts of time on my computer, working, walking to the bathroom, walking to the living room, walking back to the bathroom and being on the phone. So, when I see people, I get a tad bit excited.

Here we were sitting in the waiting room and I look at my husband and say...look honey, there are people exciting! He goes, Priya, we don't even know any of them. I go, yes honey, but they are HUMAN BEINGS like me! This one older gentleman struck up a conversation with me telling me how he once broke his ankle "when an 800 pound heifer decided to dance and step on me"....his words, not mine., I love people!

After 20 minutes, the nurse called us in and took us to a room. I removed my boot and had x-rays done. Then, the PA walks in and tells me my x-rays look great, and even though they can still see the fracture line, my leg is healing just fine. She then told me that I may need physical therapy. I was hesitant to believe her because the last 2 times, she gave me the exact opposite diagnosis of the doctor's.

This time however, she was right on the money! The doc came in and checked out my ankle...not exactly a pretty sight. He asked me if I started to put a little weight on it. I said yes, I have. Then my sweet husband goes, "no doctor, she still just hops on one foot." I looked at him like, seriously, I did not just hear you say that. He sat there, grinning ear to ear.

Anyway, the doc told me that I can be off my crutches in 1 week, off my boot in 2 weeks and onto a brace the 3rd week. Yay! Then, we checked out and I got fitted for a brace that I can wear under my tennis shoes.

Now, I just have to learn to wean myself off the crutches. The other thing is, I need to learn to walk heel to toe in my boot, without the crutches. This is challenging because since I was a kid, I've been walking toe to heel. The boot is angled in such a way that if I were to walk toe to heel, I will end up flat on my face.

This is where giving up control and trusting in the Lord comes in. I have to put one foot in front of the other (literally) and trust that the Lord will help me.

p.s. I said I was going to do a post on Costco but that will just have to wait for another day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

One in a million

Sometimes, I pinch myself because I can't believe what a good man I married! He worked from home today so he can take me to my doctor's appointment (more on that tomorrow), took me to one of my favorite places, Costco (even more on that tomorrow), fixed me dinner and made sure my every need was taken care of.

It's the little things he does which matter to me. He puts toothpaste on my toothbrush and pulls up a chair next to the sink so I don't have to stand and brush. He makes me coffee, gives me my medicine and makes sure I'm settled in my spot every morning with my laptop and phone. He makes darn sure I always have drinking water sitting next to me.

When we go out, he holds my crutches and purse while I go down the stairs, runs to the car and moves it so that I don't have to hop too far and opens the door for me. He fixes me dinner (plus breakfast and lunch when he can) and everything he makes is unfreakinbelievably delicious!

Tomorrow, he has to travel for work, just for the day. You know what my sweet man did? He took a large brown bag, filled it with everything I would need in the morning and put it right next to my spot. He fixed my lunch and kept it in the fridge so all I'd need to do is go and get it.

You know what I love the most? I've never told him to do any of these things....he just does them. In fact, I've told him so many times that I can do these things myself but he doesn't let me lift a finger. I won't forget all that he's done for me these past 6 weeks.

Everyday, I feel like God is loving me through him. I hope that one day, my son will be just like his daddy and that my daughter will marry someone just like her daddy. Sweetheart, you really are one in a million.

Happy Birthday Relin!

Boy, September is full of birthdays...and birthdays of some wonderful people, including my friend Relin's.

Happy Birthday Relin Mole! You are one of the sweetest people I know. Thank you for being there for me when I need you. I'll never forget the day my husband and I moved into our new apartment. We were bone tired by the time we finished moving that we didn't even have the energy to get dinner. Right then, you happened to call, saying that you and Abey were bringing over some dinner...even though it was past 10:00 p.m. We were so relieved and thankful!

We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends. I love you for so many reasons. You're thoughtful, kind, and you laugh at all my jokes. ;) You are the first person to make me a godmother, even though it's to your dog. ;) I can't imagine Houston without you. You and Abey are our first couple friends whom we both really connected with after we got married. You are one of my closest friends and I simply adore you.

Relin, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I pray that the Lord blesses you with all the desires of your heart. I pray that He will bless you 100 fold for the ways you've blessed those around you. I love you so much. Happy Birthday Rey!

p.s. We would love to see you and Abey very soon.
p.s.s. I promise if you come, I will make you your favorite Tres Leches cake once I'm better. Scout's honor. ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A girl named Grace

There's this girl named Grace. She's smart, fun, beautiful, sweet, funny and kind. She stands 4 ft. 11 1/4 inches tall (and you better acknowledge the 1/4 inch or she will hurt you). She may be tiny but her personality is larger than life.

I am convinced that she is going to run for the President of the United States one day. If not that, she will go on to do some huge thing(s) in her life, especially involving our country.

I met Grace in 2003...and we've been best friends since. We were roommates for 2 years and she was the best roomie a girl could ask for! Sadly, in 2006, we were no longer roomies. She left me to go on to Law School in Virginia....oh the nerve of her! Of course, I upped and got married too.

The thing that makes our friendship incredibly special is that we call to tell each other the most stupid, meaningless, mundane things in life. Things like, dude, my mom just cooked and I can't get the smell of curry off my shirt . Or, I had toilet paper stuck to the back of my shoe and didn't know it for 2 hours. We are always there for each other. If I'm going through something, I know I can call Grace and she will listen and pray for me, without judging me. I hope she feels the same way too. Well, today is Grace's birthday.

Gracie, happy birthday! I pray that the Lord will bless you mightily this year. May He bless all the efforts of your hands. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am proud of you and can't wait to see the great things God has in store for you. Even though I can't be with you today, know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you. I love you with all my heart!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mixed emotions

Yesterday, my husband came to San Antonio to spend the weekend with me and my family. He will be taking me back to Houston tomorrow. I was so thrilled to see him.

Part of me is sad to go back home to Houston tomorrow. Being here with my parents and brother has been wonderful. I realize that I take them all for granted. One of them has kept me company every second for the past 2 weeks. As an extrovert with a capital E, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this. I can fill my whole blog on the the things my mom has done for me. As I write this, my brother is poking me, trying his best to irritate me. In a weird way, I am going to miss even this. There are no words to speak of my love for all of them.

Yet, another part of me is anxious to get back to our life in Houston. This was the longest time my husband and I have been apart since we've been married. I've missed him with each passing minute...we belong together. When I'm not with him, I worry about him. Has he eaten? Does he feel lonely? Did he get enough sleep? I am aware he is a grown man who can take care of himself but these nagging thoughts go through my head. Even though there's not much I can do for him right now, I'm glad that I get to see him and be with him. He has been nothing short of wonderful to me.

Being torn in my heart only makes me realize how blessed I am to have such an incredible family. Thank you Lord.

Friday, September 11, 2009

In Remembrance

Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on September 11, 2001? The events of that day are forever etched in my mind.

I woke up that morning, turned on the news and watched journalists reporting on the plane that hit the World Trade Center. In fact, I maybe watched the news for all of 2 minutes while getting ready to go to a class at UTD. I turned the TV off, thinking it was some amateur who flew a plane and hit the WTC by accident. Little did I know that this was an unthinkable evil plan set into motion by a large group of terrorists.

When I got to class and heard all the students talking about this news, I realized that this wasn't some bizarre accident. I rushed to my friend Cat's apartment and we sat and watched the events of the day unfold right before our eyes.

Then, I remember hearing the name Osama Bin Laden for the first time. My heart was gripped as I saw reports of people jumping out of buildings. Firetrucks were everywhere and people were covered in soot from head to feet. My mind couldn't even fathom or comprehend what was happening.

Can you believe it has been 8 years since those horrible events? Over the years, I've often thought of Lisa Beamer and Lyz Glick, wives of Todd Beamer and Jeremy Glick, true American heroes. Both Todd and Jeremy lost their lives trying to take down the hijackers of United Airlines flight 93.

Today, I remember Lisa, Lyz and every single person who lost their loved one on 9/11/01. I know that words cannot explain the depth of their loss. I pray that they will find comfort and strength in the Lord each day, especially today.

May God bless each family affected by 9/11/01. May God bless America.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear....

Shankari Chitthi! Happy birthday to YOU!

Shankari Chitthi, I love you so very much! God has blessed you with immense wisdom and strength. Our weekly conversations are the highlight of my week. My selfish wish (and prayer) this year is that you will move back to the U.S. Above all, I pray for God's best in every area of your life.

Thank you for always being there for me. I miss you immensely. May you have a wonderful day and an even more blessed year. I love you.

p.s. for those of you wondering, 'chitthi' in Tamil means mom's younger sister....and I have many of them...all so wonderful.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My brother's shenanigans

I was on the phone with an important client this afternoon. Just so you know, it doesn't take much for me to laugh, especially while I'm on the phone. My brother knows how to take full advantage of this.

While I was on the call with this client, he randomly starts tossing things at me....a sock, a cold pack, etc. I got off the call and gave him a good piece of my mind. (Let me back up here to tell you that my work space is on a twin bed with a ton of pillows propped up behind me.) Then, I removed all the objects he threw...or so I thought.

After I got done working, I went to my parent's room to spend some time with them. My mom walks out of their room to get something and starts to shriek after taking one look at my bed. She goes: "Priya, look what you did! I can't believe you sometimes!"

As she was screaming, I mean shrieking, things were racing through my mind. I first thought: she is probably trying to play a prank on me. Then, her tone became progressively more severe. At this point, I became concerned, thinking, "what could I have possibly done??"

She walks in the room with the crisp white sheets in her hand and there was this huge spot on it. I looked at her in horror, completely confused!

Then, on her other hand, she pulled out a gold the one on a mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup! Do you have any idea what a smashed Reese's Peanut Butter Cup looks like on white sheets?!

I started laughing so hard, tears rolling down my cheeks while gasping for air! For the life of me though, I couldn't figure out where the Reese's came from! After some time had passed, I casually mentioned to my brother what happened.

He just bursts out laughing and goes..."Priya, remember when I was throwing things at you? Well, one of those things was a Reese's! It probably got buried under your pillows!"

Good thing I didn't have my crutch right next to me! He would've been begging for mercy! Well, needless to say, we both had a great laugh over it.

Ah, brothers!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A special message for Cat

I have three of the world's greatest friends: Cat, Relin and Grace. I met Cat and Relin in college while living in Dallas. The 3 of us were inseparable. We took all our classes together, tricked our professors, pulled all nighters, told each other everything and basically came into adulthood together.

We used to stay up all night talking about finding our prince charming, dreaming about our weddings, having kids, raising them together, sitting on the front porch on our rockers, sipping iced tea when we are old and gray. We have seen each other through laughter and tears. These are my girls and I love them with my whole heart.

Heck, we even talked about our kids marrying one another so we can all be in-laws. As life would have it, things don't exactly go as we plan them. Many times, God has a different, much better plan for us.

Relin and I got married in 2007 and moved to Houston. I felt terrible leaving Cat, especially because she was planning her own wedding in 2008.

Even though I was there for her, I missed out on the little things in the most stressful (and glorious) time in a girl's life...planning a wedding. Choosing the invitations, meeting the florist, endless dress fittings, working out to get in shape to get into the gown, helping with the seating arrangements, picking out the menu for the reception, etc.

Today, I missed another great milestone. Cat and Keefe got the keys to their first new home as a married couple. :)

Cat, I know how stressful it must be, packing a million boxes and moving into a new place. I'm deeply sorry I am not there with you to help you through this process. However, my heart is bursting with joy for you and Keefe. I pray that God will bless you in your new home. May you both make wonderful, warm memories that you can look back on for many years to come. The Lord has you in the palm of His hands. May His peace always reign in your home. I love you so very much.